Waiting Games

University Hospitals of Cleveland

Offering entertainment, interaction, and a creative outlet to those who need it most—a hospital's youngest patients.


We created an immersive multi-user media experience in the Adolescent and Young Adult Lounge at Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital that offers teens and young adult patients an escape from the trying reality of their treatment.


Media Design, Media & Software Development

The Details

The wall interactive immerses patients in a fantastical landscape filled with games, hidden discoveries, and playful challenges. Guided by wacky characters, visitors explore forests, deserts, space, and underwater worlds, blending light entertainment with a sense of accomplishment.

Each game encourages collaboration and mission-based play, fostering creativity and engagement. Visitors can then see their creations come to life on the video ribbon encircling the hospital’s reception—a digital aquarium displaying creatures made by past players. On return visits, patients are greeted by these familiar companions, creating a comforting and welcoming experience.
