Grand Central Story Booth


The largest collection of oral histories ever compiled in the US.


In 2003, Local Projects helped develop StoryCorps. Beginning with a single installation created by Local Projects and other partners, the organization has risen to national prominence over the last decade, from launching an NPR radio broadcast to winning multiple Peabody awards, and represents the largest single collection of human voices ever gathered.


MASdesign + MESH Architectures, O-R-G (Graphic Identity)

The Details

During the Great Depression, the U.S. government employed artists and journalists to capture oral histories, preserving firsthand accounts of American life. Inspired by this effort, StoryCorps was founded to record and share the stories of everyday people.

Local Projects helped create the first StoryBooth, strategically placed in Grand Central Terminal’s commuter flow. Its design introduced the simple yet powerful interaction dynamics that would define StoryCorps' success. Visitors could hear recorded stories outside before stepping into a warm, intimate booth to interview each other for 45 minutes. Each recording was not only shared with participants but also archived in the Library of Congress.
